Sleep soundly. You and your baby. But how?

Safety and innovation are our driving force since 30 years

Extra Safe
Here we write something about our 3D innovative technique. Not to long.

Super Hygenic
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Machine washable
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Our products help your baby sleep with peace of mind

Upgrade baby's sleeping enviroment!

AeroSleep is committed to creating a safe sleeping environment for babies.

For more than 30 years we have been developing safe sleeping products. What started with a mattress protector has meanwhile developed into an extensive range including mattresses, fitted sheets, bed bumpers, pillows, etc.

All our products are subjected to rigorous scientific tests performed by independent research centres, guaranteeing both you and us that your baby will sleep in a safer environment.

Love is in the details

Safety is our top priority, but we also give our products heart and refine them down to the last detail!

The original 3D Protector with Aerosleep® technology

✔ Sleep safely and lightly
✔ Sleep dry
✔ Protects your mattress

AeroSleep® Blog

Everything you need to know about your baby's sleep. All in one spot.

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